
Powerpeers: Share energy through the Powerpeers platform

Powerpeers, part of Vattenfall, offers a platform to share sustainable energy. We have built the mobile apps for this in iOS and Android.

Native app development, iOS development, Android Development
Release date
2016 - now

Consumers or companies with a surplus of generated electricity can offer this to customers who are looking for (extra) green energy. With the platform, users can choose the sources of their sustainable energy, ranging from large energy generators to a local wind farm or that neighbor with solar panels on the roof. Powerpeers provides complete transparency and is therefore verifiable by comparing the time of production and consumption.


Our approach

Elements has developed the mobile app for iOS and Android in close collaboration with Powerpeers. In the app, users can indicate from which sources they want their energy supplied, track their energy consumption and — if they return energy to the network — find out who receives their energy.

In the self-service portal, customers can adjust many things themselves: from changing their invoice amount to change the energy source and view contract information and reports about their energy consumption and the associated costs.

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Strategy, concept en app-development

We have built a native app for both iOS and Android. Because the app shows a lot of information and data, we had to pay a lot of attention to the app architecture and communication with the back-end. Some animations and transitions needed to be optimized to give end users a smooth experience.

Voor zowel iOS als Android hebben we een ‘native’ app gebouwd. Omdat de app veel informatie en gegevens toont, hebben we veel aandacht moeten schenken aan de app-architectuur en de communicatie met de back-end. Sommige animaties en transities moesten worden geoptimaliseerd om eindgebruikers een soepele ervaring te geven.

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Award winning

In 2018, this app was awarded a gold Spin award in the Digital Service Idea category & a silver DIA award in the Disrupter category.